Field Trips

Do you have an idea for a field trip?

If you have a project or product you think would benefit other PUG members to check out, we want to hear about it!  By completing this Field Trip Form we can evaluate the opportunity by way of schedule, coordination needs, and interest and see if it’s a good candidate for a field trip.

Field trips can be as simple as alerting our members of a time and place to show up for a brief field visit, or as elaborate as boarding a bus to visit a manufacturing facility or construction site for an all-day or 1/2-day adventure.

So if you have something coming up that you think would be of interest to other PUG members, let us hear about it!

Here’s what to do:

  1. Fill out the Field Trip Form
  2. Email to Roberts McMullin at
  3. Expect one of the PUG officers to follow up with you